Thursday, May 1, 2008

September Mourning.

It's only May, but Bailey is definitely in mourning.

Some tips if you lose a dog:

(1) Don't leave your dog alone. Bailey has come everywhere with us. You'd be surprised the places that allow dogs! Bailey has been to Office Depot twice, the hardware store, the post office, and the mailbox. He's also come with me and waited outside at the gym and the grocery. Yesterday I had to go to Seattle for business, so I asked my spousal equivalent, Temple, to stay home with Bailey. He did. We won't do this forever, but until Bailey gets his old spunk back, he won't spend one second alone.

(2) Watch behaviors. Bailey doesn't jump up and down for his food anymore. He goes outside and sits in the spot where Kodie used to chew his bone. He doesn't really beg for walks. And he spends a lot of time laying with his head on his paws, looking sad. He's just started, as of last night, to renew interest in his toys. So maybe, just maybe, he is starting to emerge from the cloud of grief that has engulfed us all.

(3) Talk to your dog and give him tons of love and attention. This is obvious. But I am surprised at how much less natural talking there is around the house with only one dog. Seems that when there are two dogs, you find yourself saying "I'm doing this, boys -- or later we'll do that, boys." I have to force myself to continue that with just one dog around. At the same time, I'm surprised at how much more attention I am able to give Bailey with just one dog in the house, and how much more attention he gets on the walks now that Kodie isn't stealing the show by laminating himself to the thigh of every passer-by.

I know Bailey is hurting just as much - if not more - than we are.

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