Monday, May 5, 2008

Dealing with Pet Loss and Grief.

Today I had a break-down. It's been 10 days since Kodie passed, and probably 5 or so days since I've had a good cry.

We took Bailey to Mori Point, and I didn't even want to be there without Kodie. Then, we came home, and I fell into a heap of a three hour nap with Bailey. And then, when I got up, Temple showed me the film loop he'd made of Kodie, which had pictures I hadn't seen, and a sweet little note he wrote that said: "So long, young friend. Bodie & family will miss you immensely." Just seeing his little tribute to Kodie reduced me to serious tears.

So today has been hard. Which is why we decided to whip up another stew for Bailey. I also have a business trip this Wed-Thurs, and am dreading being away for even one night. I *hate* being away from my boys. Hate it.

Can't wait for my mom to arrive with her two goldens, Buppy and Paunnie, so Camp Fluppy Puppy can begin. Poor Bailey is bored by us. And I am still missing Kodie something awful.

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