Friday, May 16, 2008

Bailey Here ...

I've taken over on this blog because I'm tired of all the mourning.
Let's get this dog blog started!

All I can say this morning is thank god for Aunt Linda and 100-degree heat!!
Yesterday it was so hot, I think Mommis' brain got a little scrambled.
She came home about 2 in the afternoon, and announced we were breaking our diet.
Woof Woof!!

First, we had awesome cookies from Aunt Linda.
Mommis even tried one of the cookies to make sure they were okay (hey, paws off!) -- she said they tasted like Lorna Doones.
Here's a picture of me eating one, just to prove they made it past the Organic Gestapo.

Then we had ice cream. Mine was called Frosty Paws. Hers was called Ben & Jerry.

And then, I guess because it was so hot, Mommis threw out that stinky Citronella spray crap and broke out the Frontline!!
Thank god!

It was an all-around inorganic day.
And damn it felt good.

1 comment:

Francine Hardaway, Ph.D said...

Oh, Bodhi Dharma, get your Mommis off that organic stuff before we get there. We are happy with kibble (although we'd take tuna). We don't want to have to take all those vitamins. And Camp Fluppy Puppy starts in a week.

I know we won't have Kodie this year, but who will the new camper be?
Love, Paunnie and Buppy and Buppy and Paunnnie.