Monday, May 5, 2008

Pet Memorials.

Today we got another sympathy card for dear Kodie. Amazing how many friends and fans he had. All our friends, but also other neighborhood doggies, his vets, the neighborhood dog walker, etc. I also got some pictures I forgot I had ordered through iPhoto. This one is of Kodie's last moments. He passed away in my arms, in exactly this position. Precious little sweetheart was still smiling.

I also phoned about Kodie's little ashes, which we will be spreading at Montara Beach in a ceremony with Bailey and my mom's two goldens (when they arrive for summer camp in 18 days). If you are ever in the unfortunate situation of having a pet pass away, I have found Animal Memorial Service to be very humane and caring.

We also met somebody, while on the walk yesterday with Bailey, who reminded us very much of Kodie. Glitter was extremely well-trained, and a golden of the smaller, softie pooftie variety. Apparently her sister is having pups, and there may be a few goldens unspoken for in the litter. Not sure if we are ready for a puppy ... but what the hell! We miss Kodie somethin' fierce. And Bailey is still in his malaise.

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