Thursday, May 1, 2008

Pets for the Environment.

Three days into this blog, and we've already found a kindred spirit!

Check out Pets for the Environment, which will be sending dog food samples to a lab to be tested for chemicals. Can't wait to see what they learn - I'm sure it will be distressing.

Which is where our home cooking advice and recipes will certainly come in handy.

You can sign up for the Pets for the Environment newsletter, or download their list of Healthy Pet Tips - things you should know about how your own household could be poisoning your pets.

I must say that this newfound cause, though tragic in its birth, is much more rewarding than application and interface design! And looking at little Kodie's picture on my counter, I can at least feel like I'm doing something to help him and the countless other Kodies who will succumb to cancer after him.

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